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Image by Gadiel Lazcano

There is no greater fulfillment than living one's soul into the world

Hello! I'm Sally

All around us, Life reveals her inherent paradox. Joy and pain, love and loss, grief and anger can be simultaneously experienced within and around each other at any given moment. If you are someone committed to the healing of our world, it is likely that Life has already revealed her mystery to you. Life is both utterly beautiful and absolutely terrifying, and somewhere in that mystery, we’ve come to understand that we must fight for the preservation of Life itself. But in order to fight for Life, we must turn toward the forces that seek to destroy Life—where there is suffering, where there is violence, where there was trauma—and acknowledge the pain that sits at the root. This is how we heal. I honor all those that are fighting on behalf of Life. I know that it is not an easy path, which is why I center my work around helping and holding all you battle-weary warriors. Because Life needs us all, and we need one another.

Sally playing a drum in front of a campfire, backlit by the setting sun

My take on healing and emergence...

For me, it’s always been about the soul. In the same way that the acorn contains the blueprint for the oak tree, our souls contain the image of our fully actualized self—our true place and purpose. And like the acorn and the oak tree, our soul is a unique part of the Earth’s self-organizing process. You are the space through which the Earth creates and evolves.


I am a teacher, philosopher, community organizer, and healing facilitator dedicated to fostering the evolution of our human potential through this unprecedented time in our planetary history. We are witnessing paradigm-shifting transformations across every field and facet of society, and in order to navigate these shifts with empowerment and resilience, it is important that our knowledge and practices represent and embody, not what we are leaving behind, but what we are moving toward.


I center my work within a widened worldview that understands the human condition as a part of the Earth’s evolutionary process. When we unearth and act from our soul, we allow the Earth to continue her magnificent journey through us. This is, in my belief, the ultimate calling of the human venture. 


But unearthing the soul is no easy task. I envision the soul like a light in the center of our being. Part of being human is that we become conditioned by familial and cultural narratives that oftentimes lead to trauma, the experience of which creates beliefs and patterning that are rooted in the traumatic event rather than our lived reality. Our job, then, is to unravel the places where our light is being obscured so that we can consciously live on behalf of our soul, and act with integrity for the preservation of the planet, each other, and Life itself.


"As a counselor and facilitator, my style is warm, loving, relaxed, and co-creative. I view my role as your "guide on the side," where we work together to empower you to take charge of your own healing and emergence. I provide helpful frameworks and practices, but ultimately, it is you who puts in the hard work. Ideally, the work we do together will help lay the foundation and pave the way for living a life-long process that is guided by your soul.”

On my personal path toward soul...

My soul awakening happened swiftly. One day, I was floating along without much meaning or care concerning the world or my place within it, and the next day, I read a book on psychospirituality, and I just…remembered. Of course there is a soul acting through this body, and I will dedicate my life to unearthing and enacting its deepest purpose.


Despite a swift awakening, however, it would be a long time before I would actually tap into my soul’s creative powers and potential. First, I had to undergo several years of healing: psychotherapy, bodywork, spiritual counsel and earth-based communion were (and still are) my main avenues. I underwent several initiations—grueling deaths and ecstatic rebirths. I shed layer after layer of obscurations, until eventually, in the arms of the Earth, a clear image of my soul’s purpose emerged into consciousness. This marked the beginning of my soul initiation.


The most important milestone in our psycho-spiritual development is reaching the point of soul initiation. After this point, the soul takes the lead, and while we might still seek help and counsel, our greatest and most grounding tool will always be our unshakeable trust in the wisdom of our soul. Getting to the point of soul initiation, however, can be tricky. For me, it could feel like wandering through unknown territory, alone and without a map. I always knew I was wandering toward something, but what I yearned for above all else was someone or something to help orient myself and hold me through the journey’s stretches of joys and hardship.


As I started to explore how to live my soul image into the world, I knew that part of what I wanted to do was provide others with what felt missing in my own journey to soul initiation—maps, guidance, community. I use all the practices and frameworks that helped me: earth-based healing modalities, deep time perspectives, systems thinking, liberation ideologies, eco-spiritualities, yoga bodywork, and so, so much time just sitting with and listening to Earth. The journey to soul initiation isn’t easy, but guidance and community certainly helps. The fruits of this labor, on the other hand, give life an entirely new meaning. It is an honor to be alive, and there is no greater fulfillment than living one’s soul into the world.

Mission and Vision / Place and Purpose

A soul image can be understood as the soul’s place and purpose within the greater web of life. My place and purpose sits at the edge. The edge is a convergence point between known and unknown, a place of uncertainty and yet, infinite potential. It is a threshold, an initiatory passage, a transformation zone. The edge is a place where we stare truth in the face, and we hold that truth with love, compassion, and understanding. The edge is a necessary destination for our personal and planetary maturation. It is the catalyst of all creation. The edge is the place where we discover who we are, and who we want to be in the world. My mission is to help others reach the edge so that we can co-create our future together.

Education + training

MA Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness, California Institute of Integral Studies

BA Psychology, Arizona State University

The Work That Reconnects Facilitator Trainings, The School for the Great Turning

Certified Hypnotherapist, Foundation of the Sacred Stream

Yoga Teacher Training + Katonah Yoga Teacher Training + Katonah Restorative

Areas of focus

Rites of Passage, Life Transitions, and Soul Initiation

Place, purpose, and potential

Trauma healing, shadow work, parts work

Intergenerational trauma and ancestral healing

Cultural trauma, socialization, and liberation

Altered states of consciousness

Spiritual crisis and awakening

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